Tuesday, 13 June 2017

British Legion goes Live and United Reform Church is installed

The device and cabinet at the British Legion  has gone live and is registered on the South Western Ambulance system. 

The device was installed by our resident electrician Simon who kindly gives his time along with Danny.  Each cabinet takes about two hours to install.

In other news , the next new cabinet was installed tonight at the United Reform Church in the High Street.

Simon and Sophie installed this one today , which was kindly donated by a family in memory of their parents who used the church. 
The Device and Cabinet have been inside the church for a few months due to the permissions required to install this cabinet at he church.

The URC is a listed building and external works on a building like this has to be done very carefully.

We are very grateful for the support of the Church and the Planning Officer at Purbeck District Council.

1 comment:

  1. From Swanage United Reformed Church. Many thanks for your meticulous and sensitive attention to the planning requirements. Jim
