Friday, 25 March 2016

Access to a Public Access Defibrillator


In the event of a suspected cardiac arrest, the following procedure should be used:

1. Call 999 and ask for the ambulance service.

2. When asked by the operator, please give the telephone number from where you are calling and the location of the cabinet which is:


3. The operator will ask a series of questions which you will need to answer to the best of your ability. This will only take a few moments and will not delay the ambulance.

4. The operator will then provide you with the access code to open the cabinet.

5. The defibrillator and resuscitation pack should be removed from the cabinet and the ambulance service will stay on the line and give verbal instruction if required.

6. Switch on the defibrillator and it will then provide you with verbal instructions for use.

7. The defibrillator cannot be used incorrectly as it will only deliver a shock to the patient if it detects it is necessary.

8. There are scissors in the resuscitation pack to assist with removal of clothing and a pocket rescue breath mask for use with ventilations in CPR.

9. If you are unable or unwilling to give ventilations, simply do “hands only” chest compressions.

Remember THINK safely.
Look around before pushing the button to shock and SHOUT the command STAND CLEAR SHOCKING and then check to make sure everyone is clear.

Friday, 18 March 2016

The Project

The Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership (SCDP) has been established by a group of representatives from local organisations seeking to purchase and maintain strategically located Lifesaving equipment for the town and neighbouring villages.

Currently in Swanage we have three public accessed defibrillators that can be accessed 24 hours a day via 999 and the Ambulance Service.

By calling 999 you get the assistance on the way and the access code for the cabinets to release the defibrillator.

Currently the devices are outside at.

The Masonic Lodge Marshall Row Swanage ( different to the device shown )

Swanage Coastguard Station, North Beach Car Park De Moulham Road

Ulwell Cottage Caravan Site , Ulwell Road

There are other devices which include one at the Tourist Information Centre Shore Road, but these are only available when the premises are open.

With Swanage being at the end of the Purbeck peninsula and with an ageing demographic , rapid access to such equipment can and will save lives.

The initial aim of 'SCDP' is to raise funds to install 3 further devices for the town.

These locations are Station Road , Herston and one for local groups to use at events.

It's not only the defibrillator that's important in a life saving emergency it's also CPR, and the partnership will hopefully hold some workshops to encourage and make people aware of how to use defibrillators.

Today ( 18th March ) the Partnership has placed its first order of one device and two cabinets. This was after a very generous donation from a local business, and working with the Town Council and Swanage Railway the location of the device will be at the top of Station Road.

The second cabinet will replace the current one at the Coastguard Station to bring it up to the new standards of having to have a heated cabinet.

The cabinets are easily recognised like this one at Lyme Regis

The partnership has a lot more work to register the devices with the Ambulance service, create its own website, fund raise, install the cabinets and provide awareness education on CPR and the device.

Many Swanage groups , agencies, and people have been involved and SCDP wish to thank you all so far.

Donations can be made via Corben's 41 Station Road Swanage.