Monday, 27 June 2016

Using an I Pad AED

Part of the project is to provide awareness of the defibrillators.

 We hope to run some workshops in the next few weeks to allow people to practise , dates will be released soon.

In the meantime here is a short video on how to use them.

Always phone 999 and never touch the casualty when the device tells you to stand clear.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Thank you to our supporters

Whilst a few people are behind the project to provide defibrillators into the Town and surrounding area , it really couldn't have happened without the donations and support from the Community.

This is just a few at the moment , along with some private individuals and groups  who have kindly donated to provide further devices.

Also 3 special people need a mention

Simon Walden "Plug it "
Dan Seldon Electrical
Dave Barrow Electrician

All 3 electricians have given their time freely to install the cabinets - and on Purbeck Stone that was no easy task.

If you would like to donate to support us , please call into Corbens in Swanage Road.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Locked or Unlocked ?

We note from social media that one of the latest cabinets to be installed has caused some concern as its not locked.

As a partner in the Swanage and Community Defibrillator Partnership , Dorset Police applied to the British Heart Foundation (BHF)  for a cabinet and device under the BHF  scheme.

 That application was a success and its been kindly been installed in Swanage along with our other cabinets.

The British Heart Foundation have a policy on cabinets being unlocked and there is a debate in the world of resuscitation if a cabinet should be locked as it can be seen to delay a response.

This cabinet was also chosen to assist Dorset Police respond to incidents and "grab" the device if required.

The reason the other cabinets in the town  are locked is so a member of the public needs a device, they have to call 999 and ask for the Ambulance.

Having got through to Ambulance the release code will be given , an ambulance dispatched but more importantly an operator will remain on the line to give CPR advice.

We really hope that a vital piece of life saving equipment is not tampered with,   the equipment is tagged and the cabinet has an internal alarm fitted.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Swanage School site goes live

This week South Western Ambulance confirmed the Cabinet and device was live on their system.

Known as Cabinet 1142 or SCDP 05 this site was chosen to cover the school and the residents of Herston.

The sites that are live now are

HM Coastguard Station North Beach Car Park

Swanage Railway Station (Station Road)

The Swanage School

Town Hall / Dorset Police High Street

As well as the devices at the Masonic Hall , Marshall Row and Ulwell Cottage Caravan Site.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Cabinet installed at Town Hall

Dorset Police have installed another cabinet in the High Street for their own use as well as part of the partnership.

A slightly different designed cabinet however the AED is the same - an Ipad

Its important to remember in a medical emergency to call 999 and ask for Ambulance and follow the instructions they give you.

This advice will include advice where the nearest AED cabinet is
The code to get into the cabinet
Advice how to use the device and carry out CPR

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Shore Road Device goes 24 hours

For a couple of years the Town Council have hosted a AED inside the Tourist Information Centre on Shore Road.

Today that device has been transferred to a new cabinet on the Toilet Block with the staff able to have access until its officially registered by South Western Ambulance.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Another device joins the network

Another mega effort by the installation team see's the next cabinet up at the Swanage School tonight.

We are just waiting for some signage to arrive and then we can register the cabinet and device with South Western Ambulance.

Our 1st official site at the Swanage Coastguard Station went live this morning .  This cabinet replaces one which has worn out and doesn't have a heater.

In a medical emergency call 999 and ask for Ambulance - from there you will be guided to the nearest device as well as getting an emergency response on the way.

Many people have been involved in this partnership, but special thanks to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency for their assistance in allowing this cabinet to be installed.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

3 Weeks 3 Devices

Its been hard to keep up but the 3rd Cabinet has gone up today at the Rowing Club in Encombe Road.

There are some further works to be done at this location  and as with the other two,  will  shortly be on line with the Ambulance Service.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Another Cabinet Installed

Those in Station Road tonight may have seen the latest cabinet being put up on the Railway building.

This cabinet was kindly provided by a local business and its location chosen to cover Station Road as well as the Railway Station and Co - op.

The cabinet isn't live yet as some final adjustments have to be made as well as well as being commissioned - we will keep you posted.

This cabinet is a true partnership working , provided by a local business, working with the Railway and the Town Council and installed by a couple of local tradespersons ( and two coordinators)
Until this cabinet goes live a device is temporary located in Corbens Estate Agents 41 Station Road during opening hours.
If you would like to donate to the Partnership please call into Corbens - every penny counts towards new devices for the town.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Donations for further Defibrillator

The Swanage Lions have kindly donated funds to provide another device and cabinet in Swanage.

We would like to thank all those who have donated to the partnership which will see 5 new devices and cabinets in the town.

Having provided the devices there are on going maintenance costs along with the training programme being developed which need to be funded.

 If you would like to donate to the partnership then please drop into Corbens 41 Station Road Swanage.

Friday, 3 June 2016

The importance of CPR and using an AED (Defibrillator)

This video produced by the Resuscitation Council tells a story of how important carrying out CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is along with the use of a Defibrillator.

This young mans story is why we are raising funds for devices in and around Swanage.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Temporary Device placed in Station Road

Following the incident in Swanage this week, the partnership have placed a temporary device for use in Corbens Estate Agents 41 Station Road Swanage.

This actual device will be installed at the top of Station Road in the next couple of weeks however it was felt important the device become available as soon as possible rather than sit waiting.

Remember to call 999 and ask for the ambulance.

The device is available during office hours of Estate Agents.