Friday, 14 October 2016


We have had several people contact us today concerned that they have seen a safety warning regarding defibrillators.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency have issued the warning that there may be an electrical Fault with some LIFEPAK CR Plus and LIFEPAK EXPRESS automatic external Defibrillators (AED).  This means that some of them may not deliver an electric shock to someone who is in cardiac arrest.

The Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership can confirm they DO NOT have any of this type of Defibrillator.

The devices in the partnership cabinets are iPAD SP1, which are all registered with South Western Ambulance and the UK Supplier. 

The Partnership regularly check their devices in line with the Governance Structure, South Western Ambulance  and the UK Resus Council.

In any medical emergency call 999 and ask for Ambulance.

Monday, 10 October 2016

We had an idea

Eighteen months ago , four people came together with a common idea.

That idea was to provide community accessed defibrillators for the benefit of Swanage and the surrounding area.

Maggie Hardy,  (RGN)  previously the Swanage hospital manager and Rotarian

David Corben , Local Estate Agent , ex RNLI crewman and usually the 1st on scene during incidents in Station Road.

Kyle Hickman, Police Officer before emigrating to Australia in September 2016.

Ian Brown  Control Room Trainer and Station Officer of Swanage Coastguard

The four of us came together with and idea to provide four devices in the town.  Thanks to the generosity of the town that idea is growing with currently seven devices installed.

In early 2016 we were very lucky to be joined by Lisa Mattei a Resuscitation Officer who is our technical advisor and leads on the education training provided by the partnership.

This is the coordinating group of the partnership who have in the last eighteen months had many meetings to look at different devices and cabinets, as well as putting a comprehensive governance structure in place.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Studland Village Defibrillator goes live

The new defibrillator at the Studland Village Hall has gone live today.

South Western Ambulance have confirmed its live on their system which pin points the nearest device in a medical emergency.

The device and cabinet was provided after the community of Studland held a fund raising party in honour of HM The Queen's 90th Birthday.

Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership installed the device and will continue to support the village with the maintenance and awareness training.

This is the sixth cabinet and device the partnership have installed in the community.