Monday, 21 August 2017

Next cabinet goes up in Worth

 Working with the Worth  Village Hall Committee , the Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership has put up the latest public accessed Defibrillator cabinet.

Previously the device has been inside the Village Hall,  after fund raising this year  and working with the partnership the device will soon be available 24 hours a day.

Our resident electrician , Simon gave his time to install the cabinet which is to the side of the village hall near the back door.

The device has had to be placed here due to the listed status of the village hall so it couldn't be placed on the front of the building.

This cabinet and device is the partnerships 16th site in the Purbeck area.

 The partnership is a charity under the Swanage and Purbeck Development Trust with all funds raised going to providing equipment.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

SCDP supports Swanage Carnival

Swanage Carnival have been a major supporter of the partnership so this week, the volunteers have been assisting the carnival.

Maggie Hardy with the Swanage Mayor Mike Bonfield and our junior team.